We bring the very best school camps to you


The Outdoors People school Camps

Eat bugs, start fires, put up your own tents, make hot chocolate from mud, sing at the campfire, eat marshmallows, outrun the kin-ball... Survive and more!

We provide a full 24-hour camping experience for primary and secondary schools. Every part of the day is filled with a wide range of engaging and exciting activities.

We tie all our educational activities into the Key Skills syllabus and use a structured learning and reviewing approach that has been granted a Quality Badge by The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.

We run our camps throughout the spring, summer, and early autumn, and have a specially adapted lower cost winter residential for the colder months of the year.

Bushcraft Events

Bushcraft Events

Bushcraft Events

If you want an outstanding event, The Outdoors People are ready to help. We provide top-notch bushcraft activities, perfect for:





We understand that every event is unique. We will work with you to create a bespoke programme that is perfect for your needs.



The Outdoors People deliver inclusivity training courses adapted for the unusual demands that adventure education presents. Our courses are designed for professionals and volunteers working in all sectors. Open enrolment training days are laid on through the winter months or we can design you a version specifically adapted to the needs of your organisation.

Resources For Providers

Resources For Providers

resources for providers

As part of our commitment to outstanding adventure education outcomes for all, The Outdoors People produce a range of free resources designed to be used by commercial and non-commercial providers of adventure experiences.

School Camps

School Camps

You can learn more about our amazing summer camp programmes here.

Winter Residentials

Winter Residentials

Our popular and low cost Winter Residentials allow for year-round excitement.

Schools - Downloads & Information

Schools - Downloads & Information

Our Team

Our Team

Our outstanding team is ready for your camp!

Our Calendar

Our Calendar

Use our calendar to check our availability.

School Camp Pricing

School Camp Pricing

Far better value than any comparable residential.